Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Everyone always talks about tanks and healers. The tank isn't defense capped for the raid/heroic? Kick 'em. The healer is in greens and only has 13k mana? Kick 'em.

What about the DPS?

Four Pieces of Gear:

Infantry Assault Blade

Woven Steel Necklace
Screeching Cape
Boots of the Portal Guardian

Nice gear, right? Guess who was wearing all 4 when I joined a group for Heroic UK?

Go ahead, guess.

Yepp, you guessed it. A hunter.

Why should I put up with this as a healer? This guy is wasting gear and wasting my time by showing up for an instance like this. I don't even want to get started on how much he needs to learn about being a hunter. To put into perspective his awefulness, we had a feral druid tanking, and a protection paladin in the party (WTF did I get myself into....we did clear the place but jeez). On the second boss fight, the Protection paladin did 1130DPS, and Mr. Defensewearinghunter did a wonderful 938. IN A HEROIC! Check out BRK. Please.

Then, I get a VH group going with the same protection paladin and druid, and the same Titan's Grip warrior (who did 2000dps and definitely held is own) from the UK run. We pull in a mage in mostly epic gear, with enchants, and some pieces of his T7. He does 1350DPS. Why is that acceptable? It isn't. If you are running heroics, and especially if you are in epic gear, you need to focus and do some strong DPS. 1500+ is not unreasonable to ask for. The more DPS, the faster the fights, and less time you give me to run out of mana or someone else to die. If you are new to heroics, just getting your feet wet, I can understand if it takes time to gear up and such. But this guy clearly had experience, and definitely ahd the gear.

DPS....please do your job. Just like you don't want a sub-par tank or healer making things difficult, we don't want sub-par DPS making our jobs more difficult. Everyone should be held accountable for what they are supposed to be doing, not just the easily blamable, "point your finger at this guy" healer or tank.



On a happier note, please enjoy New Year's Eve, however you choose to spend it. Be safe, have fun, and enjoy the festivities tonight, whether it be in Azeroth, NYC, or at home with family and friends. Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree. I had a warlock in h nexus doing 700 dps. He was still rockin 4/5 brutal gladiator.
