Sunday, December 28, 2008

Naxx 10.....

Well, when I logged in last night to get ready for Archavon, we didn't have control of Wintergrasp (which is of course necessary for entering the raid zone). So, while I waited for the next battle to start, I flew out to Sholazar to farm some saronite. I am working on my Wyrmrest rep now, after getting exalted with the Argent Crusade, and need to get some money to buy me one of those awesome red drakes. Sholazar is literally a gold mine. If I fly around the zone for 30 minutes, I pick up almost 50 Saronite ore, which nets be somewhere between 60-75g on my server, not counting the titanium I pick up if I am lucky. If you mine, get out to Sholazar and mine your heart out.

So, I tried to help win back Wintergrasp, but the Horde were there in incredible numbers (they outnumber us 3 to 1 on the server I believe), and they successfully defended it. My guild run was nixed, but I convinced my guild leader to give Naxx 10 a shot. We had 5 guldies in the run, picked up 5 good players, and headed into the Arachnid Quarter. It was awesome to see Naxxramas. We only downed the first two bosses, and it took some time because everyone in my guild was brand new to the place (and my brother, who was off tanking, had never raided before at all). Maexxna was bad on the first attempt, but after that we picked up the strategy.

Now, this boss is annoying to me. The web isn't so bad when she isn't enraged, and the resto druid we had with us was tremendous at keeping up his HoTs. But, when she is enraged, it becomes damn near impossible, as we found out, to keep the tank up during an 8 second incapacitate (which I can't even bubble out of!). We failed over and over, and it became too late for anyone to want to keep trying. We are going back soon (maybe tonight) to give it another shot.

Anyone have any tips for this boss? It seems the DPS just has to destroy her before the web comes, because when it does, healing is impossible and she destroys the tank. Maybe Vault will be available to us tonight and we can give that a try.


  1. The spider is tough, no mistake. Really what you need to do is have DBM installed (I assume you do) and then just before she throws the web all those who are able to need to cast their HoTs on the MT. Paladin heals are just SOL.

  2. Having a planned Archavon and not having Wintergrasp really sucks, its happened to me countless times. Really you just have to hope you have enough guildies on when wintergrasp is up.

    The first night my guild did Naxx, we were in about the same boat as you. Half Pug, though they were good, everyone pretty much new to the raid. We didn't down Maexxna until the second night. I'll tell you what I remember.

    A druid is really important for the web. I agree with using some sort of Boss-mod so that the other healer knows when to have the hots going. I pretty much just spammed my Holy Shock until the web came off, giving the tank an instant heal and a bit of a buffer-zone for me to get them back up. More often than not it also crit, so I got the instant FoL too.

    Honestly thats all I can really think of, Pallies are pretty much screwed for that fight and its painful to stand there helpless watching your targets health drop.

    Hopefully you guys get it next time! I'm sure you will.

  3. Slow dps and let one more web go off before the enrage. Then pop bloodlust and have the dps go crazy. When you see the web coming again have the druid keep hots on you and the tank, throw a blessing of sacrifice on the tank to reduce damage taken by 30%, and pray he makes it.
