Tuesday, December 23, 2008


1. Do I love Warrior tanks more than any other? With all of this emphasis on the new DK tanks and the abilities of the pally/druid tanks, I think some people forget about the warriors, who I still think are the best tanks in the game to heal. Nothing beats a good old sword and shield weildin' warrior.

2. Do so many fights require my group to do the river dance while somersaulting through hoola-hoops of fire to succeed? I'm not saying every fight should be pure tank n' spank, but the amount of movement needed these days can be annoying when the majority of the fights that require it. I love the gear check fights, because they usually don't make me run around in circles.

3. Are hunters so crazy in the DPS department right now? I've only played to 71 on mine, but in the Utgarde Keep run I did with him two days ago, I was doing almost 1000dps throughout the run, over 100dps ahead of the kara-geared 71 mage that was in our group and the 73 mage that came along as well. Yes, hunters are getting nerfed, but from what little I have seen, it sort of needed to happen.

4. Do 79 mages in my regular HoL run only do 700dps?! We failed miserably in that place, struggling through everything, even trash, and eventually failing on Loken 3 times. It was terrible to heal, terrible to watch, and every pull felt like a chore. I took my 78 mage friend (now 80) to SW and had him go all out on the raid boss dummy, and he did 900dps. It's not a knock against mages, just something that bugs me when we get a boss to 20k health twice in a row and the DPS is only doing 700. C'mon.

5. Are tanks and healers the only focus? DPS IS IMPORTANT! GOOD, STRONG DPS is important. Yes, tanks and healers need gear, because without them the DPS is nothing. But, if the DPS is lacking, the fights are going to last longer, and even the best geared healers and tanks can't last forever. DPS has just as much obligation to be geared, pay attention, and do a good job in an instance. It's not only important, but its necessary for success, whether it be in 5 mans, heroics, or any raid. Everyone needs to do their job and do it well.

/end rant

1 comment:

  1. Regarding point 1, why _do_ you like healing Warriors more? Is it sentimentality, or do you feel they have a mechanical advantage?
