Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well, my guild hit 25 man Ulduar on Sunday for the first time. 

Flame Leviathan is a fun fight, and it only took our guild 2 attempts to get him down.  He dropped a new enchant (which I am not quite sure the use of is yet) that I won the roll on, and even a fragment of the new legendary, which our resto shaman won the roll on.  Congratulations to him!

We tried XT-002 for an hour and a half after that, but to no avail.  At first, it seemed that our healing wasn't sufficient, but we quickly found that our DPS wasn't doing the job.  We healed through tantrum and everything just fine, but we didn't make the enrage timer.  We decided to call it for the night, and try again last night.

It didn't go much better.  We still managed to live through most of the fight, but the DPS just wasn't there.  We then tried Razorscale, and we just couldn't get it after all of those wipes on XT, and decided to break until this week to keep everyone from hating Ulduar so early on.

On the bright side, ARENA SEASON 6!  My mage friend, Agney, and myself are doing 2v2.  We are both pretty new to arena, so I don't expect to be competing at high levels, but it is fun and even after 12 games today I can already see improvement.  I am playing as ret to provide a double-burst composition.  I would play as holy, but I find Ret much more fun to play in PvP.  Forget min/maxing....ENJOY THE GAME!

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