Haven't been yet, but tonight is our guild's first 25 man so I'll see it soon. I've heard it is definitely a step up from Naxx, and that the trash can be surprisingly tough. I hope it is a challenge and that my guild will be up for it. Progression raiding is much different than the farming we have been doing for the past couple months.
Dual Specs
LOVE THIS. I can heal a heroic, then go do dailies and switch to Ret (which is so good, especially now since Excorcism works on all targets). I haven't had the chance to DPS an instance as Ret yet, but I think the results would be damn good. Also, the Ret tree is THIN. I used 51 points in it and had all of the talents I wanted, and had 15 left over that I had no idea what to do with. I ended up picking up the pvp talents and going down the protection tree. There just isn't that much to the Ret tree right now.
On my hunter, I dummy tested (briefly) all three specs, and decided to switch it up for a while and go MM/BM. All three specs were pretty even in DPS, and while I like SV, I wanted to try something new. Picked up a wolf pet, as well, since their furious howl is now hunter and pet only, which means it stacks with other AP buffs. As BM, it gives me 300~ AP for 20 seconds with only 8 seconds of downtime, so the wolf seems the way to go.
Argent Tournament
I'm finishing up my last daily now to get the required 15 Aspirant Seals, so I'll be starting on the Valiant stuff hopefully. I like the dailies, they are quick, and the mounted combat seems somewhat interesting, although I suck at it personally. Overall, I think this will be a great event and only get better as it progresses.
What are your impressions of 3.1 so far? How is Ulduar for those of you that have been?
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