Friday, April 10, 2009

Top 10 Bosses in WoW (from my PoV)

Here are my Top 10 bosses in WoW.  This isn't an official list, it is my opinion, based on different reasons.  You may certainly disagree or share your favorite bosses in the comments, and I encourage you to do so!

Honorable Mentions:
Gluth (10 man, as ONLY a hunter)
As you may know from previous posts, kiting Zombie Chow on 10 man Gluth on my hunter is my favorite thing to do in the game right now.

Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Yeah, Gnomeregan is obnoxiously long and full of trash, but it was great, and this boss was no different. Who's on button duty?

This fight is tough, but its great.  I love doing it (even though I've only completed it once).  Tons going on, damage buffs, bubbles, pressure, and riding dragons at the end.  It's great when it all comes together.

The List:

10. Nightbane
The first of 2 Kara bosses on here.  I liked this fight because of how tough it was.  The fight was long and really made you focus for more than 2 mins to get him down.  GET OUT OF CHARRED EARTH! STACK UP! SPREAD OUT!  TURN HIM!  Lots of yelling in vent, lots of pressure.  Loved it.

9. Herald Volazj
The first time you fight this guy (if you haven't read up on it) is chaos, but its great.  "Why are you guys attacking me?!?!?!"  It's a great mechanic.  No other explanation necessary.

8. Onyxia
I never fought her at 60, but she was the first raid boss I ever killed, at level 64.  She's a huge dragon, breaths fire, and has a tail swipe.  This is what WoW is about at it's roots, and fighting a giant dragon was awesome.  Plus I soloed her and got 163g for it (before they nerfed that).

7. Princess Theredras
"Woah, shes HUGE! and gross lookin."  That is everyone's reaction when seeing her for the first time, and after fighting through Maraudon (which took seemingly forever), she was a tough fight for appropriate level players.

6. Big Bad Wolf
I am a huge fan of the Red Riding Hood theme, and telling someone to run around in a circle dressed in a little gnome costume never gets old.  The other Opera events are "meh," but this one really shines.

5. Thaddius
This fight is a giant check on the mental capabilities of your raid.  I like it because of not only the HUGE damage people can put out, but because it requires everyone to be on their game.  One person can ruin it for everyone, so it holds people accountable for their actions.  PAY ATTENTION!

4. Sapphiron
The room is cool, the spawn animation is cool, and the fight is cool.  Hiding behind iceblocks to avoid huge damage? Awesome.  It's fun as a healer (but stressful) too, which probably makes me partial.

3. Mr. Smite
My personal favorite boss in the Deadmines.  It's really the first fight where anything different happens.  It's still tank and spank, but the first time he stuns you and runs to his chest, you are like "what the hell? what is he doing!?"  Plus, as alliance, he's the first giant Tauren I saw, which was really cool.

2. Heigan the Unclean
Ah, the dance.  It's priceless.  It's fun, but challenging (especially at first), and I love the fact that even if half the raid dies, you still have a chance.  The first time my (old) guild downed him on 10 man, I was solo healing our tank, OT, and one dps for 14 mins before Heigan fell.

1. Mograine/Whitemane
Scarlet Monastery, for a lot of players, is both a pain in the ass and a ton of fun.  I ran it so many times, but hated it because of the ridiculous run to get there as alliance!  And, there were always horde outside ready to attack.  But, when we did get in there, this fight was a hell of a lot of fun.  "Yay, we killed the boss!....oh wait? who is this b***h? OH SHIT!"  Killing a warrior like Mograine only to find out that his woman was rezzing him and now you had to fight BOTH was a crazy feeling, and it was essentially the first "event" style boss that I remember fighting.

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