I'm excited, but I'm also curious. Personally, I have never been part of a guild that is going to try and progress quickly through conent. Plus, I have never gone into an instance where there is little written about the strategies of the bosses in the raid. There is definitely Ulduar information, obviously, but not to the extent that there was information about Naxx when I started raiding (a little later than most) that. It's going to be a new experience for me to be with a guild that is pushing for progression on raid nights, not just farming the same bosses every week.
I'm also curious as to how my guild will handle the trasition. No more playing alts, no more being late for raids...everything seems like it's going to be back in order after a little down time. Raids are also starting earlier, which is going to keep some people out of them unfortunately. Also, how are we going to decide who goes on 10 man runs? I'm assuming we will have 2, maybe 3 groups going, but who is in what group? We have been running 25 mans for months now, and reverting back to 10 mans will be different. We still plan to run 25 mans on our regular raid nights, Sunday/Monday, but the 10 mans have me wondering.
That said, my guild will be fine. We will probably not compete for any server firsts (as there are a couple of guilds on my server that I know will be there all night tonight and tomorrow and the rest of the week), but I know we will progress fairly quickly and keep everyone happy. I'm hopingi the DKP resets, personally, but I doubt it's going to happen. We have too many people who have obnoxious amounts of it because of farming Naxx25 after they were all geared up, and it would be these 10-12 people ALWAYS getting gear in Ulduar before anyone else, who joined a little later, like myself. We'll see.
Dual specs is incredible. I simply can't wait. Holy/Ret for my paladin. Probably PvP Ret, but most retribution specs can go either way without too much trouble. I never minded paying to 50g to respec. It was the GLYPHS that annoyed me to hell. Replacing them every time, then getting my old ones back again...those days are finally over and I'm exstatic about it.
I'm curious as to what will happen to Naxx10, and possible Naxx25/Malygos. I already see OS being shunned by most people (my guild hasn't run it in over a month), and now people are just dropping Naxx completely and focusing on Ulduar, which is understandable I guess. My guild hasn't killed Maly25 yet, mostly because we have had one good night of attempts and that is it. But, we cancelled our Maly25 night immediately when Ulduar was announced for today, and I'm sure it is going to get left aside while we push through Ulduar. Then again, people were running Karazhan well into BC, so I'm sure Naxx will still be pugged or run or whatever.
If all of this seems crazy to you, it probably is. I have personally never been an active raider who has cleared most content and been waiting for a new raid. I've done Naxx, Maly10, and OS, and I have Valorous/ilvl213 items all over my character. I even have my hunter in some 10 man epics. I've never been in this position before, and it's interesting to me, if not a little scary in some ways. It's very weird to think of the gear I just worked hard for and spent a lot of DKP on is now going to get replaced, but that is the game right? It all works out, and I'm curious to see how it plays out for me and my guild.
Anyone else nervous/curious/(insert feeling here) about the patch? Why?
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