Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Well, since it is maintenance day, I took some time to re-evaluate my healing spec now that I am finally at 80. I normally go right to Blessing of Kings after I finish out the Holy Tree, but I took a look at the Retribution tree after I read a couple of articles about the spell crit talents that were available there. I finally decided on a 51/2/18 build that takes advantage of the crit while still keeping some utility of Blessing of Kings.

I think it is absolutely great for every paladin to spec down into the Retribution tree because there is 8% spell crit available, which is hard to argue with. Conviction will give you 5% for 5 points, and Sanctified Seals will give you 3% for 3 points. Using the two leftover, I put 2 points into Kings and Imp. Kings to get a 4% stat increase.

Overall, I still have a somewhat useful buff for the tanks out there, with 4% stat increase, but now have an additional 8% crit for my heals, which is incredible.

Anyone have an spec suggestions? Any changes? What are you going with to heal at 80?


  1. Personally I went for imp bow but those points can go anywhere. It seems like there is alot of movement needed in boss fights, so im tempted to even get the speed increase from the ret tree

  2. I've gone PoJ. With all the movement Blizz makes us do it is a great buy for any pally. Even prot if you can spare that many points.
