Saturday, December 27, 2008

Busy Day....

Well, today was sort of a day off for me, and I had a ton of time to play. I ran a few heroics, and also did 25 man Sartharion with a guild from my server. It was a great experience. Two pally tokens dropped, but I rolled my usual 25 on both and lost terribly. What did I get for loot today?

[Sabatons of Erekem] from Heroic Violet Hold (we got the easy bosses this time). No spell crit, but 31 mp5 is hard to argue with, along with the other stats and the socket.

Also, with all these heroics I was running, I FINALLY got to exalted with the Argent Crusade, and picked up two epics!

[Helm of Purified Thoughts]
and [Signet of Hopeful Light], both of which were huge upgrades for me.

I have reached 1500 spellpower, and my crit rating is around 28%.

I thought Sartharion was a cool fight, and we only wiped once before people learned how to avoid the flame waves. I lead the fight in healing, doing almost 2400 HPS, which far outhealed the second healer, who did about 1700. Beacon of Light and Judgement of Light in a 25 man raid makes for a lot of healing, which I'm sure some of was definitely Overhealing, but the 2400 HPS looks pretty good to me.

Tomorrow, my guild finally breaks into some raiding of our own (with some PuGs as we wait for everyone to reach 80). We are doing 10 man Archavon, which is a pretty easy encounter that I have done before. But, I will be Raid Leader from this point on, so I have to be sharp. Any tips for this fight and being a raid leader in general? Anyone have experience?

1 comment:

  1. (sorry I've become addicted to reading your blog! lol)

    Archavon is like free epics. Pretty much you can go in there with undergeared morons and still down this boss as long as your tanks are good.

    All there really is to know is that when he does the Impale on the MT, the OT has to take over. Everyone needs to avoid the Choking Clouds and the Rock Shards.

    From a healing standpoint if people get caught in the clouds or rock shards, its easy enough to heal through. The one thing that is impossible (at least to me) to heal through is if on the few trash mobs your tank stands in the Rock Shower. Everyone should get out of this.

    Good Luck in there! *crosses fingers for Holy Pally Pieces*
