He has inspired me (and certainly so many others) in so many ways. Not just in Azeroth, but in life too, and this is no different. He is taking (at least) a 3 month break by the looks of the post, planning to rededicate himself to his family. I applaud him with unbridled vigor, as he embarks on perhaps the most important quest of all: raising a family and maintaining a loving marriage.
WoW is a hobby, and as many of his commentors (210 and counting, which I'm sure is a record of some kind) have already said the obvious: RL>WoW. Always.
He inspired me to level my hunter, and is the reason I no longer play like a huntard, even at level 80. His blog was the first WoW blog I came across, not knowing even what blogging was or how someone could blog so much about the game I enjoyed playing. I was in awe, and still am at his astounding knowledge, wit, and humor. He kept things light, fun, and informative, and every post made me either laugh or go "aha!" in a way that nobody else could.
As a paladin (which you preached to hate (: ) and as a new fellow hunter, I salute both you and your decision, BRK. You will be sorely missed by most everyone who plays the game, as you can see in the comments on your post. Good luck, and may everything work out for you and your loved ones. I hope you can return to the community one day with a new sense of balance.
Adios, good sir.
BRK's Farewell Post has garnered over 750 comments since it was posted yesterday. This is a true testament to the vast amount of players and readers alike that he had an affect on, all of whom wish him nothing but the best.